Internet and Domain Right

Before a company books an Internet Domain, it is necessary to check if the booking of the domain or the usage will violate rights of third parties. Since the booking or the usage of a domain can violate copyrights of third parties, a detailed research of the national and international directories, on the Internet and at the German Patent and Trademark Office is required in order to avoid the violation of the rights of third parties. Furthermore, it has to be checked if there is a danger of confusion related to an existing brand or company name of a third party by the usage of the domain of the client. If the rights of third parties will be violated, the holder of the domain will be threatend by a reminder, act of disposal and claims in order to delete the domain which is object at the issue. This often involves high court and lawyer fees.

Additionally, the violater will be threatened with information entitlements and entitlement of disgorgement by the injured party if his or her trademark rights have been violated. For the presentation of a company on the Internet by booking and using an Internet Domain, expert advice by a specialized attorney is recommended in order to avoid unpleasant and cost-intensive suprises.


The services of the legal office are include particularly

  • Checking of domains in terms of violations of trademark rights
  • Implementation of entitlements of deletion of a domain facing third parties
  • Assigning of domain names to third parties, application of dispute
  • Domain act of sale
  • Contract of domain sale
  • Change of the domain to another Internet Service Provider